Max - We're sorry it's a bit late - the draw WAS supposed to be last weekend but had to be put off until the 8th because of the bad weather we've had in the UK.
JD - And then as soon as the draw happened the humans went to London and we went to the kennels - it was all a bit up-in-the-air we're afraid! So we mailed the winners to Mona so that she could get the word out about who the lucky winners are.
Max - But, without further ado, here - at last! - is the photo edition of Shelby's Christmas raffle!
JD - On Thursday morning FH wrote down the names of everyone who had entered together with who had purchased the tickets - she wishes she had printed it out as it took her nearly 2 hours to do this, he he he!
Max - We then chose a box for her to put all the tickets into....
JD - As quite a few of the prizes have been supplied by Lily's human Jo we asked Jo if she'd draw the 4 winning tickets and were delighted when she said yes!
Max - We LOVE Jo - she makes such a fuss of us and gives us treats and cuddles and tells us we're good boys and handsome boys - sigh! She's our most favourite human in the whole wide World!
FH - Um, Max?
Max - Oh, er, yeah - I meant our most favourite AFTER you and MH - ahem.....
JD - Nicely backpawed there Max! Anyway, Jo is great! She doesn't blog so we also figured she'd also be a really 'impawtial' person to carry out the prize draw!

JD - "Nice try Max, but just look how well I fit into Jo's side and look how tightly she's holding me - I'm OBVIOUSLY her favourite!"
Max - After all the obligatory cuddles and smoochies with Jo we waited patiently whilst she drew out the 4 prizewinners!
JD - We gave the box a huge shake between each draw - and these were the tickets that came out.....

Max - Thank you so much to everyone who took part in Shelby's raffle - we had a lot of fun hosting it and we raised lots of green papers for Shelby and that's the main thing.
JD - And well done to all the winners! These are the prizes so please look below and let us know what you'd like.....

Max - Winners can check the post below for more details about the prizes if they need to!
JD - We hope you all enjoyed reading our post about the raffle as much as enjoyed doing it!
Max - We need the winners to let us know what they'd like as a prize - please leave a comment below with an e-mail contact.
JD - Before we leave we'd like to remind everyone about Blueberry's Christmas auction which ends in less than 24 hours! Be quick - get your bids in to avoid severe disappointment!
Max - At 12 noon GMT tomorrow the auction ends - we will temporarily disallow all comments and will then post a list of the lucky winning bidders in the afternoon! Good luck everyone!
JD - Thanks again! We're sorry we haven't had a chance to leave comments on your blogs recently - the raffle and the auction have taken up all our time, but rest assured we're still visiting and will start leaving comments again in a few days time - please bear with us!!